For Immediate Release Contact: Delia Douglas
March 1, 2020 Owner,
“Iric” Documentary Film Highlights Youth After Foster Care
Documentary Film “Iric” Tells Story of Tragedy to Triumph, Merits 7 Festival Awards Across the Nation
Los Angeles, CA – Iric, breakout film by Tudor Drive 0, depicts the story of a homeless young man as he struggles to fin his place in the world and make sense of a traumatic childhood.
“Our main goal with the film was to shed light on his story and give him the voice and platform to share it with the world. Iric is one of millions of young black men who have been funneled through the foster care system and have aged out with little or not hope [or knowledge] of how to go about life. The hand that he was dealt, from birth, automatically displaces him from the luxuries and norms that many of us take for granted. Our aim is to change that narrative through the works of film and change the pathway for other youth who may be in the same situation” – Marc-Anthony Robinson, Director of Photography, Cinematographer.
“Iric” has already garnered quite a bit of buzz within the industry and has won 7 festival awards across the nation.
“We made [the film] to elicit compassion and build understanding about the people in our communities facing homelessness. Film festival screenings provide an opportunity for people to get a peek into a life and a world that is increasingly divisive in social and political terms. Stories like Iric’s need to be communicated and shared because they aren’t sufficiently heard. Film allows people to meet each other who would not otherwise [interact]. I want audiences to take the time to get to know Iric’s perspective and experience better. His voice gives us insight and can be use as a tool for social change.” – Sandra Tamkin, Producer, Director and Founder of Tudor Drive Productions.
Filming and physical production of “Iric” took place in Santa Monica and Venice Beach, and at a “Safe Place for Youth, A Project of Community Partners”, a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to empowering the resilient human spirit of homeless youth.
The film will screen at Rock the Shorts Film Festival on Saturday, March 7 at 2 pm. Tickets available at Rock the Shorts Film Festival – Film Freeway (see Block 2).
About Tudor Drive Productions
Founded in 2019, Tudor Drive Productions is a purpose-driven production company creating documentary films that advance social and racial justice.
About Vibrancy [Formerly DDHPR]
DDHPR [now] is a boutique marketing and public relations firm catering to an eclectic roster of fashion, beauty, curve, multicultural, non-profit and artist clients. For more information, please visit